A group of people during a business meeting inside a cabin.

Put franchise resales on autopilot.

Franchise resales adding work to your desk?

Delegate resales to DealBuilder. DealBuilder matches your Franchisee with a dedicated Deal Manager to guide them to a successful sale. Using our technology platform, we help value, package, and advertise the resale to help you find a franchise qualified buyer.

The best part? We are completely free for Franchisors.
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How it works

Once your franchise is set up on our platform, preparing any location for resale takes less than a week. There are zero fees for franchisors, and franchisees pay a 3% fee - only if the sale is successful.

Franchisee matched with Deal Manager

We first match the Franchisee(s) with a dedicated Deal Manager who helps value the business, find buyers, and close the deal.

Calculate business valuation

The Deal Manager will help calculate an accurate business valuation.

Sign the Engagement Agreement

If the Franchisee decides to move forward, they will sign our non-exclusive engagement agreement. Franchisees pay 3% of the asking price, only if the sale is successful.

Create digital presentation

Our team will draft an in-depth buyer presentation including financial statements and a comprehensive overview of the business operations.

Market business to buyers

We send your confidential listing out to our internal network of 5,000+ buyers and launch it to over 2 million prospects through various business-for-sale sites.

Pre-screen & 
deal close

We pre-screen buyers using NDA and qualification tools. If qualified, we introduce the buyer to you or the Franchisee to close the deal!

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A woman showing something to a man on her tablet.

Take franchise resales off your
to-do list, forever

Franchise resales can distract you from what matters - signing up new franchisees and growing existing territories. Get back to these activities by using DealBuilder to offload your resale operation.

Keep it on brand

Our buyer presentations ensure that information provided to buyers reflects your franchise accurately. Whether this is your royalty rates, franchise transfer fees, or minimum marketing spends.

Expedite franchise resales

The average annual churn within a franchise is 5%. Rather than having these resales sit on your FDD, we can help you find qualified buyers quickly and efficiently. We can have your franchise resale prepared and on the market within 7 days.

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